As last year we have prepared a selection of international vaulting summer camps 2018 for you. You are running an equestrian vaulting camp? Send us a message and we will add it to our list! Weiterlesen
12 summer vaulting camps 2018

Connecting Vaulters
As last year we have prepared a selection of international vaulting summer camps 2018 for you. You are running an equestrian vaulting camp? Send us a message and we will add it to our list! Weiterlesen
Vaulting World always supports new initiatives from our community, that’s why we wanted to make you discover these two guys and their fabulous brand: Conrad & Lauren.
You are looking for great holiday, but don’t want to miss out training? Then the summer vaulting camp at Voltigeklubben Thommysminde in Jutland, Denmark, might be a perfect option!
As you might know, the election of the FEI Athlete Representatives is happening this year for all disciplines. Till now, Lukas Klouda from Czech Republic was in charge for vaulting. Read on to know more about the election process!
Vaulting in Denmark has been facing a slight decline in the last years, but they seem to be back on track again and the numbers of both vaulting clubs and international competitors have increased.
Jannik Heiland is one of the most successful vaulters in Germany. With many national and international titles and his last triumph at the World Cup 2017/2018 ending up third (just as last year) he is definitively an athlete to have an eye on for the World Equestrian Games in Tryon 2018. Read on and train like Jannik!
We were expecting the news, and here it is: The FEI Vaulting Committee has decided what will be the new technical test like.
Here are 2 new movements that you will see or show next year:
Vaulting in Poland had its strong moments during the 80s and 90s winning medals at important international championships. Unfortunately, they have had some struggles since then. Now it seems as if they are back on track, thanks to national judges, trainers and lungers with lots of motivation, but also thanks to external help from internationally experienced vaulters bringing their knowledge into the country.
Insiders have told us recently that there might be a new vaulting category in 2019, apart from individuals, pas-de-deuxs and squads: Synchronized Vaulting.
Like all of us, even vaulting stars and talents have to start from scratch, train hard and participate in many regional and national competitions before shining on the international stage. We have found some really cute photos that show that they all have started just like everyone in the Vaulting World: as lovely, little vaulting kids!Weiterlesen
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