Nadja Büttiker will compete at the FEI World Vaulting Female Championships for Switzerland. Get to know her in our mini interview!
1. Please describe yourself in three words.
> Reliable
> Animal lover
> Born ready (need no warm up😁)
2. Who are your team members?
Lunger: Monika Winkler, Horse: Acardi van de Kappel, Best Groom: Elisabeth Bieri
3. How did you experience the qualification process? What were your challenges on the way to the Championships?
The comeback after my knee injury was challenging but I found my rhythm and my confidence again.
4. What was your best (or funniest) vaulting moment?
Bronce medal with Keep Cool at Europeans 2017.
5. What do you expect from the World Championships 2022? What are your goals?
To have good and clear rounds on Acardi and to show the best version of my programs.
6. What’s your freestyle theme 2022 and why?
My theme is futuristic. I asked Henry Benoit to send some suggestions to this topic. I could identify the most with the space-composition. Its something different for me and I really like it.
7. Any news or announcements for the Vaulting World?
Feel the spirit of your horses!