Theresa Tiel will compete together with Dominik Eder at the FEI World Vaulting Pas de Deux Championships for Austria. Get to know them in our mini interview!
1. Please describe yourself in three words.
> Goofy
> Clumsy
> Unique
2. Who are your team members?
Domink Eder, Pink Floyd, Veronika Greisberger/Karin BΓΆhmer
3. How did you experience the qualification process? What were your challenges on the way to the Championships?
It was challenging. After my injury last year we needed some time to fully recover and gain back trust and confidence. We also had to find a horse to compete on, because Crossino isn’t fit to compete. We found our perfect match in Pink Floyd and tried to fit in some trainings in Salzburg – which is 3 hours by car.
4. What was your best (or funniest) vaulting moment?Β
2016 winning the Pas de deux competition in Aachen π
5. What do you expect from the World Championships 2022? What are your goals?
A great time an being able to show two good freestyle rounds.
6. What’s your freestyle theme 2022 and why?